Antwerp Boat Tours




About Antwerp Boat Tours

Antwerp Boat Tours gathers all official concessionaires offering city harbor tours. Each offers their own expertise and type of boat to offer boat tours in the beautiful city harbor of Antwerp.

The challenge

  • Makes it as easy as possible to book a cruise in Antwerp's city harbor
  • Lowers the threshold to make a reservation as much as possible
  • Completely consistent with the existing brand that Antwerp Boat Tours had designed itself
Screenshots of (details of) the website that Antwerp Boat Tours had made by Heave Webdesign Antwerp

Lower the barrier to booking

We gathered practical information and frequently asked questions to remove as many doubts and obstacles as possible for the visitor. In addition, we placed calls to actions throughout the website to make the step to make a reservation as easy as possible.

Screenshots of (details of) the website that Antwerp Boat Tours had made by Heave Webdesign Antwerp

A customized booking system

We designed and developed a customized booking system. Each partner can choose separately how they want to receive bookings and under what conditions.
This makes it easy for the visitor to book without sacrificing ease of use for the partners themselves.

Screenshots of (details of) the website that Antwerp Boat Tours had made by Heave Webdesign Antwerp

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Nadjmi Foundation

  • Strategie
  • Design
  • Development


  • Strategie
  • Design
  • Development